What is the Full Form of LASER

LASER stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. It’s a device that emits a beam of coherent light through an optical amplification process. The word “laser” is derived from the words “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” Lasers are used in a variety of applications, including communications, materials processing, spectroscopy, medicine, surgery, and skin rejuvenation.

What is LASER?

A laser is a device that emits a beam of coherent, focused light. Lasers are used in a variety of applications, including communications, manufacturing, medicine, and science.

How Do LASER Work?

Lasers are devices that emit light through a process of optical amplification. They are used in a variety of applications, including communications, medicine, manufacturing, and entertainment.

The word “laser” is an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” This refers to the way lasers produce light. Lasers create light by amplifying the energy of photons. Photons are particles of light that have a certain amount of energy. When these photons are amplified, they create a beam of light that is very intense and focused.

Lasers work because atoms have certain properties that allow them to amplify light. Atoms are made up of electrons and a nucleus. The electrons orbit the nucleus in different shells. In most atoms, the innermost shell is full and the outermost shell is only partially full. This means that there are some electrons in the outermost shell that can be excited to a higher energy level.

When an atom is exposed to light, some of the photons will interact with the electrons in the outermost shell and raise them to a higher energy level. These excited electrons will then fall back down to their original energy level, releasing a photon in the process. This photon will have more energy than the

Types of LASER

There are four main types of lasers: solid-state, gas, excimer, and free-electron.

Solid-state lasers are the most common type of laser. They use a crystal or glass rod that is pumped with electricity or light to produce a beam. The first working laser was a solid-state laser.

Gas lasers use a gas such as helium, neon, or carbon dioxide in their lasing medium. Gas lasers were the first type of laser invented. They are used in applications where high power is needed, such as in cutting and welding.

Excimer lasers use a mixture of rare gases such as krypton and fluorine. They create short pulses of very high-energy ultraviolet light. Excimer lasers are used for applications such as microfabrication and eye surgery.

Free-electron lasers use electrons that are accelerated to extremely high speeds and passed through a magnetic field. This creates a beam of infrared, visible, or ultraviolet light. Free-electron lasers are the most powerful type of laser invented so far and have many industrial and scientific applications.

Applications of LASER

Lasers have a wide range of applications in many different fields. Some common examples include:

– Lasers are used in medical procedures such as laser surgery and cancer treatment.

– Lasers are used for cutting and welding metals in the manufacturing industry.

– Lasers are used in communications systems such as fiber optics.

– Lasers are used for measuring and surveying purposes.


The full form of LASER is “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” This type of light is used in many different applications, including surgery, communications, and printing. LASER light is very intense and focused, making it ideal for cutting or welding materials.

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